Habits that’ll fix 93.7% of your problems

  1. Plan your day the night before
  2. If something takes 5 minutes or less, do it
  3. Create a morning ritual
  4. Follow the 80/20 rule
  5. Get enough rest

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/amewborn_habits-thatll-fix-937-of-your-problems-activity-7117117063088758785-WaFK?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Habits that’ll fix 93.7% of your problems

Hiring high performers

  1. Grit
  2. Relentless resourcefulness > find a way no matter how ‘impossible’ things seem
  3. Optimism
  4. Constant learning
  5. Not being an asshole
  6. Fun to be around
  7. Growth mindset
  8. Enjoys responsibility

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mattgray1_ive-hired-90-high-performers-in-the-last-activity-7125100367163346944-Venm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Hiring high performers